The road to Finca Santa Teresa de Mogoton serves a handful of coffee plantations and deep trenches formed by heavy rainfall line the dirt road and challenge even the strongest 4x4 trucks.
The pine trees in this area make for stunning views not generally associated with coffee farms in Central America. This farm is purpose-built to grow specialty coffee and the main crop is Catuaí with some Catimor and even a few micro-lots of the rare Java, a somewhat mystical varietal from Indonesia which results in floral, Ethiopian-like, notes in the cup.
Silvio Sanchez studied agronomy and alongside his mother, saved up, took a loan and bought a secluded but excellent piece of land in this mountainous region of Northern Nicaragua. The plantation is well-organised with neat rows of young coffee trees. Only four years have passed since the first seeds were planted and last year the first few bags of coffee were harvested. Both quantity and quality will increase tremendously as the plants are even more developed.